Pi dynamics decentralizes human-centric birthday (zero-origin) calendars, in favor of all scientific "Energy" equations:

Example 0Pi Energy will be neither created from "zero origin" not destroyed by elementary school subtraction: 📚
Pointing ±10 fingers at a phone to type
Zeno's paradox now decentralizes all zero-origin birthdays by observing how other bilateral placeholders constantly imagine zero-origin (false) premises and zero-origin (false) conclusions:

Example 1Pi Energy will be neither created from "zero origin" nor destroyed by elementary school subtraction: 👈🏾
Pointing ±10 fingers at a phone to type
Einstein's speed of light now decentralizes all zero-origin birthdays by observing how other bilateral placeholders constantly imagine zero-origin (false) premises and zero-origin (false) conclusions:

Example 2Pi Energy will be neither created from "zero origin" not destroyed by elementary school subtraction: 📚
Pointing ±10 fingers at a phone to type
Euler's identity now decentralizes all zero-origin birthdays by observing how other bilateral placeholders constantly imagine zero-origin (false) premises and zero-origin (false) conclusions: